The Strut

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Little Sublety from Rob

The REAL New Moon book cover

Attention Team Jacob: Little, Brown has revealed their cover for the movie tie-in edition of New Moon, which features an exclusive image from the Twilight franchise's second film. Taylor Lautner fans should certainly pick up more than a few copies (Those arms! That smoldering stare! Remember, he's only 17!). As for Team Edward...well, at least the image proves that the moon is not, in fact, made of green cheese.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Respect Me Campaign

Ok, I'm surfing thru the net tonight and I come across a new Rob fansite. They came up with a way to show our support to Rob and his privacy. Earlier this week, Rob was mauled by some very aggressive fans on the 1st day of shooting his new film, "Remember Me" in NYC. If that wasn't enough, 2 days later, while being whisked away by his security team from more crazy-ass fans, he got clipped in the hip by a NYC taxi.

Luckily, he wasn't hurt, but it goes to show that even though he's a celebrity, he's not public property. Respect that Rob is a human being, not a super hero vampire. He is working, if he's injured (or worse), he can't work. No work, means no movies. Just think of it this way, if you were at your job, would you want a bunch of crazy-ass people yelling at you
, or worse, trying to get their hands on you ?? I think not. You would want to be left to do what you are being paid to do. Just like Rob is trying to do.

The link is above the "New Moon Countdown". It will direct you to the campaign.

Respect Rob

Barbie & Ken as Bella & Edward

If you’ve been looking for the perfect Edward and Bella Barbies to complete your Barbie collection, you’re in luck. Mattel is going to produce an Edward Barbie and a Bella Barbie. The product description follows:

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb. Twilight has quickly become a worldwide phenomenon developing a strong core base of dedicated fans who are drawn to the story of a Romeo & Juliet style romance between mortal (Bella) and vampire (Edward). Who better to capture the young star-crossed love of these two characters than Barbie & Ken. Edward is luminescent with a shimmering complexion and trademark gold eyes. Bella doll sold separately.

Edward and Bella are sold separately for $34.99 each. They will be available on October 20th, so you’ll have them in plenty of time for New Moon! Edward is currently available for pre-order.

People's Hottest Bachelors of 09

Make Me Smile

I found this cute video over at ROBsessed. I hope they don't mind me borrowing it. It was made by Jules, a friend of theirs who's just like us, she loves Rob :)

More Rob Pix from "Remember Me"

A Note

Just a note to let you all know that I won't be posting any videos from "Remember Me" Rob's movie he is currently filming in the NYC area. There are too many Rob fansites out there that are and it is a bit repetitive. Sorry, if you were looking for videos from filming. Most of them out there are papparazzi footage and/or stalkerazzi (over-zealous fans) videos where all they do is scream whenever they see Rob, it gets a little annoying.

I apologize for this, but I will post some pix from this week's shooting. Enjoy!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Moon Calendars 2010


Here’s the very first picture of the upcoming Official New Moon Calendar, including a never-before seen arrangement of the three main characters that is similar to the official New Moon poster, but the characters are arranged differently.

In this new imagery from New Moon, Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black is in the center looking straight at the camera and Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen are looking to the side behind him.

The calendar is set to be released later this year in September or October.

New Moon Calendar Cullen Family

Here’s another picture of a New Moon calendar we haven’t seen yet, this time featuring a shot of the entire Cullen Family in the style of the New Moon Poster. This one is a wall calendar as opposed to the New Moon Desk Calendar

Happy 108th, Edward

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Moon at the MMVA's

According to eTalk, Taylor Lautner & Rachelle LeFevre will be on hand at the upcoming MMVA's in Toronto.

Rob in NYC

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